Company information

Company information for Nissho Iwai Paper and Pulp Corporation.

Since 1988, Nissho Iwai Paper and Pulp Corporation has been a leading, independent trading company within the pulp and paper industry. We provide a wide range of services to our clients by utilizing our staff's professional skills, knowledge and experience in the pulp and paper business.

Our operations are not only limited to Japan. In addition to our domestic operations, we have a presence in all major international pulp and paper markets through our group network which provide superior comprehensive services and knowledge to our clients throughout the world.

  • Message from CEOMessage

    Message from our CEO, Noriaki Shutoh

  • Company profile	About Us

    Basic information such as location/Capital/

  • Financial InformationsFinancial Informations

    Sales turnover of five years in the past.

  • HistoryHistory

    History of the company.

  • Company structureCompany structure

    Company structure.

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